Peonies in Their Party Hats
Peony 'Miss America'
Actually those hats are colorful bags protecting the crosses I am trying to make this year. They are sitting above the stems on Peony 'Miss America'. Seems like a good person to have for a mother right, Miss America? With a title like that her children should be beauties! I am trying to hybridize her with pollen from my tree peony garden. We'll see if it works or not. I am more determined this year. The last time I tried this I got nothing - no children (seeds) at all. This time instead of putting the pollen on just once and covering it up, I am putting it on there like every morning hoping to get the timing on the fertility just right this time. We'll see if it makes any difference or not. I am a little worried about the pollen, though. I didn't get it into the fridge right away. It took me a couple days. So I'm not sure if it is still any good or not. I hope so. It seems like it would be good for a couple days outside. So maybe there will be a few in there that are still alive! I hope so.
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