American Peony Society Facebook Page
Peony 'Mahogany' 2015 Gold Medal Winner
This year the American Peony Society selected Peony 'Mahogany' as the APS Gold Medal Winner for 2015 and 2016 Peony of the Year. Peony 'Mahogany' was hybridized by Glasscock and registered in 1937. The APS registration describes it as "Single - Deep mahogany. Very early. Hybrid. Large, single, cup-shaped bloom of deep mahogany color. Albiflora x officinalis Otto Froebel." I actually do not grow this peony, but it has been on my peony want list since 2008 when Hollingsworth Peonies was selling it for $24.00. Don't ask me why I haven't ordered it in the last 7 years. I guess there were other peonies on my list too! ;-) I'm sure the prices will go up for this peony in next year's catalogs. Interestingly enough, I wasn't able to find it in any of this years catalogs so I could actually order one for myself. If you know of a peony grower who is selling it for fall shipment, please let me know!
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