Intersectional Peony 'Magical Mystery Tour'
I must say I was really impressed with Intersectional Peony 'Magical Mystery Tour' this year! This was the very first growing year for me for this peony. I just planted it last fall 2018. So it was really a shock to me when this peony grew so large and had so many blooms on it the very first year! I don't think I've had any other peony grow so large and have so many bloom on it in its first year of growth. Sometimes I will get a first year bloom from the stored energy in the peony's root system, but that's just one bloom, maybe, but 8? That's just amazing!!! I can't wait to see what this Peony 'Magical Mystery Tour' does next year!

Intersectional Peony 'Magical Mystery Tour'
I actually got this peony from Solaris Farms. So maybe that says more about the vendor than the peony variety, but I'm thinking it is probably some of both. This intersectional variety seems to hold a lot of promise. I'm wondering if it will come close to the performance of my
2019 360° View of Intersectional Peony 'Keiko' 愛幕 (Adored) - 'Pink Double Dandy', one of the best performing intersectional peonies in my garden. This peony was hybridized by Don Smith, and he mentions it in my 2016 interview with him as one of his "oldies but goodies",
2016 Peony Hybridizer Interview - Don R. Smith (I had been trying to get my hands on one of them ever since!)

Intersectional Peony 'Magical Mystery Tour'
This peony actually goes through a range of colors, which seems to be appropriate as the name of the variety suggests not only that the hybridizer Don Smith is a fan of the Beatles, but that the peony goes through a rainbow like transformation during its bloom season fitting with the rainbow-like theme of the Magical Mystery Tour movie and album. The blooms of Intersectional Peony 'Magical Mystery Tour' open as a beautiful coral pink color, fading to a variety of coral peach and pinky cream tones over time. The blooms also have almost 2 rounds of blooming each year as well, as hybridizer Don Smith likes to select for extended bloom season in his varieties.

Intersectional Peony 'Magical Mystery Tour'
Right when you least expect it, a second set of blooms open on the plant. It's almost as if the entire plant reset itself for another round of blooming. The first set of blooms had completely finished, and then almost as if by surprise, another set of blooms begins to open like magic! It was so nice to see a whole other round of blooming after the first blooms had finished. It was like I got a bonus bloom season from this variety! I don't think I've ever seen any other peony plant behave quite that way. Maybe it was just the weather, but I'm guessing this one will extend it's bloom season again next year. Maybe it won't be in the exact same dramatic fashion as it was in its first bloom season, but I'm guessing it will be another "magical mystery tour"...

Intersectional Peony 'Magical Mystery Tour'
If you have not yet gotten a chance to purchase this variety, check out our
2019 Intersectional Peony Catalog Price Comparison List to see where it is available. It looks like it is sold out at Solaris Farms this year, as I don't see it on their web site anymore. However check back in January for our 2020 Intersectional Peony Catalog Price Comparison List to see which vendors will be offering it next year. Also there a lots of other great intersectional peonies still available for shipping this year. If you still have a few spots to fill, I'd definitely recommend an intersectional peony, they are just great growers (especially in the South)!

Intersectional Peony 'Magical Mystery Tour'

Intersectional Peony 'Magical Mystery Tour'

Intersectional Peony 'Magical Mystery Tour'