Of all the white intersectionals I grow, this one, Intersectional Peony 'White Emperor' has definitely performed the best for me so far. I'm not sure why there aren't more white intesectional peonies. I only know of two, and I believe they are both sports of yellow intersectional peonies. This one, Intersectional Peony 'White Emperor' is a sport of Intersectional Peony 'Yellow Emperor', which also grows well for me. Intersectional Peony 'White Emperor' is a consistent performer year after year, always growing and increasing in size and blooms. It was hybridized/discovered by Bill Seidl and registered in 1989. The blooms open with a creamy white center and become more white as the blooms age. If you haven't heard of Intersectional Peony 'White Emperor', I'm not surprised. It seems that not many people grow it, but they should. I've only seen it offered by
Swenson Gardens (which is where I purchased it). According to my
Price Lists, it looks like they are offering it this year for $100, and it is not yet sold out. Don't miss your chance! :-)

Intersectional Peony 'White Emperor'
Southern Peony Best Performer

Intersectional Peony 'White Emperor'
Southern Peony Best Performer
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