American Peony Society Convention Materials
Tuesday, May 30, 2017
2017 American Peony Society Convention Preparation
I know it's been a while since I've posted on here, but I have just been super busy, planning the convention, getting my garden ready for the tour, and just generally going crazy! LOL! I am so excited for the convention, and since I'll have lots of jobs to do this year and a drive home each night, I most likely won't have a play by play for this year's convention. I do promise to take lots of pictures, though (as usual), and I will try to post some convention updates later on. As you can see below, I've been busy getting the APS Convention materials ready to go. If you are coming to the convention, I'll see you soon! :-)

American Peony Society Convention Materials
American Peony Society Convention Materials
Wednesday, May 10, 2017
2017 Tree Peony Seeds from Canada Sprout!
I was beginning to wonder if any of those 2016 Paeonia rockii Purple Tree Peony Seeds that were sent to me as a replacement for the 2015 Purple Peony Rockii Seeds from Ebay Canada were going to sprout. Since none of the seeds from the original batch sprouted, I was worried that the second batch might not sprout either. However it seems the second batch of seeds were good because I now have 5 baby P. rockii tree peony seedlings from the second batch of seeds! How exciting! I am curious to see if any of these grow into a lovely purple flower with dark purple flares like the mother plant. Now that the seeds have actually sprouted, the only thing to do now is wait for a bloom! :-)

P. rockii Seeds Sprout
P. rockii Seeds Sprout
Sunday, May 7, 2017
2017 Peony Blooms Week 5 Late Mid Season
I obviously did not take enough pictures this week. I have been spending lots of time this year trying to get my garden "tour ready" for the 2017 American Peony Society Convention in Raleigh, NC. Plus it seems the peonies are blooming in different weeks this year as well, condensing the bloom season a bit. I think this is a symptom of the very warm, then very cold early spring weather we experienced in February and March, 2017 Protect Peonies from Super Cold Overnight Temps. So I decided to combine the Herbaceous and Intersectional bloom pictures this week. Peony 'Angel Cheeks' is always a stellar performer here and is a Southern Peony Best Performer. Intersectional Peony 'Sequestered Sunshine' really is that yellow! I hope your peony bloom season is going well!

Peony 'Angel Cheeks'

Peony 'Peony Victoire de le Marne'

Intersectional Peony 'Sequestered Sunshine'

Intersectional Peony 'Pairie Charm'
Peony 'Angel Cheeks'
Peony 'Peony Victoire de le Marne'
Intersectional Peony 'Sequestered Sunshine'
Intersectional Peony 'Pairie Charm'
Friday, May 5, 2017
2017 Red Tree Peony Seeds Sprout!
Red Tree Peony Seedlings Sign
Remember those red tree peony seeds I planted this past fall, 2016 Planting Red Tree Peony Seeds from Georgia? Well, I was beginning to think that they weren't coming up, that perhaps there were not actually viable. However about 2 weeks ago, I finally noticed a few green things popping up in that spot (that weren't weeds). LOL! So far I have 6 baby tree peony seedlings from those 2016 Red Tree Peony Seeds from SP Reader in GA. I'm guessing a few more peony seedlings may still pop up. If not this year, then perhaps next spring. We shall see!
Red Tree Peony Seedlings
Red Tree Peony Seedlings
Red Tree Peony Seedlings
Wednesday, May 3, 2017
2017 Intersectional Peony Blooms Week 4 Mid
This week there was still a nice range of colors in the intersectional peony blooms. Peony 'Sonoma Rosy Future' bloomed for me for the first time this year with blooms! What an awesome plant! Peony 'Yumi' also bloomed for this first time in my garden this year, since the first root I got of it was the wrong plant. Peony 'Yumi' is a big bright clear yellow intersectional peony with lots of petals arranged in a nice symmetrical pattern. I really like it too! Peony 'Old Rose Dandy' has an interesting coloring, and Peony 'Cora Louise' is a reliable garden standard with huge blooms and a nice white/purple contrast on its petals.

Intersectional Peony 'Sonoma Rosy Future'

Intersectional Peony 'Old Rose Dandy'

Intersectional Peony 'Yumi'

Intersectional Peony 'Cora Louise'
Intersectional Peony 'Sonoma Rosy Future'
Intersectional Peony 'Old Rose Dandy'
Intersectional Peony 'Yumi'
Intersectional Peony 'Cora Louise'
Monday, May 1, 2017
2017 Peony 'Topeka Garnet' Best Performer - Week 4
I must say that I have been very impressed with how fast Peony 'Topeka Garnet' has developed in my garden. It has grown from 3 stems, to 7 stems, to 10 stems, to 12 stems, to now 15 stems this year. Each year its bud and blooms counts have been steadily increasing as well. This peony stands up in the face of heat, rain, and wind. It definitely thrives here in our warm Southern climate. This photo was taken after a big storm. As you can see a few of the blooms have been open for a few days and yet the bright red color is unaffected. The blooms have such good substance and the petals are so tough that they hang on even through a storm, giving you a nice red petaled show! The number of flowers on the bush is amazing, and I'd even already cut two stems to enter into the APS Exhibition this year! Peony 'Topeka Garnet' was hybridized by Bigger and registered in 1975. If you are looking for a good mid season red to add to your collection, I would highly recommend Peony 'Topeka Garnet'!

Peony 'Topeka Garnet'
Southern Peony Best Performer

Peony 'Topeka Garnet'
Southern Peony Best Performer

Peony 'Topeka Garnet'
Southern Peony Best Performer
Peony 'Topeka Garnet'
Southern Peony Best Performer
Peony 'Topeka Garnet'
Southern Peony Best Performer
Peony 'Topeka Garnet'
Southern Peony Best Performer