Tuesday, November 3, 2015

2015 Fall Peony Sales - Free Shipping, B2G1F, 50% Off

It always happens. I get that last minute feeling... Time is running out. The peony vendors are closing up shop. Did I get all of the peonies I wanted for the year? If I wait much longer, I'm going to have to wait until next year until I can get any more. So I checked out all of the peony vendor's web sites on the American Peony Society's Buy Peonies page. Many of them have already closed up shop for the year (Fina, Hidden Springs, Peonies from the Field, Solaris, Swenson). However there are several that are still open, and of those that are, a few of them are running a last minute sale to help make your peony buying decision that much easier! So check out this list of peony sales because time IS running out!

Bannister Garden CenterGoing Out of Business 1/2 Off Sale11/15
Birchwood Farms50% Shipping with $100 Order
Brooks GardensOrder 2 or More, Get Free Shipping11/8
Cricket Hill Garden25th Anniversary Specials
Song SparrowBuy 2 Get 1 Free11/5

2015 Fall Peony Sales

Monday, November 2, 2015

2015 Yellow Tree Peony Seedling from UK on Ebay

When I happened to see this Yellow Tree Peony from the UK on Ebay, I couldn't resist buying it. I put it on my watch list last week and decided to purchase it yesterday. I'm hoping it will have a better chance of surviving than the Purple Tree Peony Seedlings From Ebay UK I purchased in 2013. I purchased two of those hoping at least one would survive. However they arrived in the middle of our Southern summer, which did not give them an adequate chance of survival. They were unable to settle in and become established before experiencing our heat and sometimes dry conditions during summer. Sadly they did not survive. Unfortunately those purple tree peonies went dormant right away when they experienced our hot summer, and one of them got New Fall Growth on Purple English Tree Peony. This new growth was killed in the fall/winter, and unfortunately neither of these seedlings came back in the spring. I am hoping this yellow tree peony will have a better chance since it is arriving in the fall. Hopefully it will go dormant and stay dormant until spring. This yellow tree peony also looks a little larger than those purple tree peonies were, which seemed to be first year seedlings. This one looks like at least a second year seedling. Let's hope the size of the plant and the season help this one live!

Saturday, October 31, 2015

2015 Beautiful Fall Peony Foliage Colors

Lime Green Fall Peony Foliage Brightens up the Autumn Garden

This year my garden is filled with the gorgeous colors of fall. Usually you have to drive to the mountains to see fall foliage colors like this. I guess Mother Nature provided just the right temperatures, moisture, and sunlight in our area this year. Not only have the trees been gorgeous, so have the peonies! The depth of color on display is amazing!

If you are looking for peonies with reliable fall foliage color, Peony 'Paul M. Wild' and Peony 'Seashell' have both made my fall foliage list 3 times each. So both of these plants are great for wonderful fall color. Peony 'Paul M. Wild' usually has more red toned fall foliage and Peony 'Seashell' usually has more golden toned fall foliage. Fall also happens to be the best time of year to plant peonies. So add one of these fall beauties to your purchase list if they're not already on there!
Peony 'Paul M. Wild'
Peony 'Gilbert Barthelot'
Peony 'Garden Peace'
Peony 'Nick Shaylor'

Thursday, October 29, 2015

2015 Peony Experiments - Planting Adventitious Roots

Adventitious Roots of Peony 'Grace Root'

This experiment practically created itself. While I was digging a piece of my Peony 'Grace Root' as a donation for the 2015 APS Fall Auction Dig & Ship Peony 'Grace Root', I accidentally severed a few pieces of the roots. Since Peony 'Grace Root' is supposed to have adventitious roots, meaning foliage can develop from blind root pieces, I decided to plant these severed roots to see if any of them would sprout next spring.

Peony 'Grace Root' Roots in the Planting Hole

So I dug a hole for them and planted them a few inches apart. I'm not sure if any of these root pieces are large enough, have enough stored energy, or have the correct piece of root needed to sprout. Actually I'm not sure what the requirements are to get them to sprout, or if there are any requirements. I guess we'll find out next spring.

Peony 'Grace Root' Roots Being Covered with Soil

I covered them with a few inches of soil, watered them in, and put a label in the soil. That way I can find where I planted them - whether they sprout next spring or not. I'm guessing some or all of them could take more than one year to sprout, but I'm not sure. I guess we'll find that out too! Let's hope some of these Peony 'Grace Root' roots sprout! :-)

Peony 'Grace Root' Roots Garden Label

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

2015 Transplant Promising Hot Pink Double Seedling

This year I had another peony of interest to me, a 2015 New Hot Pink Double in Peony Seedling Test Bed. Now that it's fall and a great time of year to plant (and transplant) peonies, it was time for me to dig it up and separate it from the other peony seedlings. I found the peony plant that I'd marked with a white twist tie earlier in the year, and dug it gently out from its neighbors.

Hot Pink Double Peony Seedling Marked with White Twist Tie

Luckily it was on the last row of peony seedlings at the end of its row. So it was a little easier to extract with neighbors on only two sides. This time when digging it out, I didn't accidentally snap any of its roots - like I did when I transplanted my first promising peony seedling last year, 2014 Transplant Lavender Ruffles Peony Seedling. So hopefully that will give it a little easier transition to its new home.
Foliage and Root System of
Hot Pink Double Peony Seedling
Hot Pink Double Peony Seedling

As you can see it had two good size stems this year and lots of baby storage roots starting to form. There were also buds forming for next year's growth. I moved this peony from my original peony seedling bed into my newer peony seedling test bed where I could monitor it more closely and give it a little bit more room to grow. I planted it near my 2015 Lavender Ruffles Peony Seedling, which I'd already cut back for the year since its foliage had already gone dormant. I also cut back the foliage of this peony after moving it to hopefully cut down on its transplant shock and prevent it from diverting energy into keeping alive foliage that would soon be cut off anyway.

Transplanted Hot Pink Double Peony Seedling
Next to Lavender Ruffles Peony Seedling in Seedling Test Bed

Sunday, October 25, 2015

2015 APS Fall Auction Dig & Ship Peony 'Grace Root'

It was so easy for me to dig and ship the peony I donated to the 2015 American Peony Society Fall Auction - 'Grace Root'. All members of the APS can donate to the Fall Auction or even the Spring Convention Auction, if you so choose. However Peony 'Grace Root' made my job especially easy this year since it had grown a whole new plant right beside my original planting of this peony - all on its own! This very early blooming, super bright colored stunner is known to have adventitious roots. Apparently you don't even have to dig and separate these adventitious roots before they decide to create a whole new plant. :-) This baby plant had been growing beside its mother for at least 2-3 springs now. It had already bloomed two years in a row, and it was just the right size to be separated and start out on its own. It was even easy to mail, and it only cost me $8 and change to mail it! It makes me happy to think peonies from my garden will be grown in new places, new states!

Peony 'Grace Root' Child Plant

Friday, October 23, 2015

2015 Intersectional Peony 'Joanna Marlene' Arrived

I did get the Peony 'Joanna Marlene from eBay quite quickly. I ordered it on Sunday, October 11th, and it arrived on Thursday, October 15th. I got it planted last Saturday. It was actually a nice size root with several (at least 8 or more) eyes. The root actually looks like it may be an intersectional peony, unlike the Fake Itohs on Ebay - 4 (Not) Intersectional Peonies I purchased last year. I am excited to see how this peony grows in the spring. I will definitely let you all know how it turns out. I may even make a list of reliable and unreliable eBay peony sellers if I can collect enough data. That would definitely be a valuable resource for my fellow peony buyers out there. The more information we all have the better. Hopefully this seller will be on the good sellers list. :-)

Intersectional Peony 'Joanna Marlene' Arrived