Wednesday, March 23, 2022

2022 American Peony Society Convention Donation - Intersectional Peony 'Hillary'

This past Sunday I got an email request for donation from the American Peony Society (as all APS members should have received), and although I am not a commercial peony grower, and I definitely do not have fields or even a field of peonies, I still decided to donate a peony to the auction. If you are an APS member and have a home garden like me, I hope you too will consider donating a plant to the auction. Each year this APS auction is the main fundraiser for the APS organization, and it helps support the APS convention and bulletin publishing costs.

Intersectional Peony 'Hillary'

The peony that I decided to donate is Intersectional Peony 'Hillary'. It is definitely one of my favorite intersectional peonies, and it is also a Southern Peony Best Performer. This peony grows so well here that it will make a very large bush (which can also be divided). Even after division, this plant bounces back and keep on growing. The blooms on this plant are stunning, and as you can see from this photo (from our bloom season last year), the petals can slowly fade to an almost pastel like bloom, while the new flowers open a bright reddish-pink! This Intersectional Peony 'Hillary' is as stunning in person as it is in photos (or perhaps more)!

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