Articles about Peony best performer
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Friday, May 4, 2012

2012 Peony 'Do Tell' Best Performer - Week 4

If you want to see the pictures from my favorite individual blooms from week 4, you can find them in my post 2012 Peony Blooms Mid Season - Week 4 . As for my favorite overall performer for the bush as a whole for week 4, there is no contest. It is definitely Peony 'Do Tell'. This peony has a multitude of pink blooms with an interesting pink and white center of tiny wavy petals. It almost looks like a hairdo that Ke$ha would wear! The blooms open on different days. So they will usually last for a couple weeks. The plant is a consistent bloomer and grower year after year in this climate, multiplying steadily at a rapid pace. It seems to be very happy here in my southern climate. It definitely earns its 2004 American Peony Society Gold Medal every year in my garden!

Peony 'Do Tell'
Southern Peony Best Performer

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

2012 Peony Blooms Best Performers - Weeks 1-3

I already posted pictures of my favorite peony blooms from Weeks 1-3 of the peony bloom season in my post 2012 Peony Blooms Very Early to Early Mid - Weeks 1-3. However I thought it might also be beneficial to post some of my favorite overall performers from Weeks 1-3 here in my Southern growing climate. The best two peony bushes overall were Peony 'Seraphim' and Peony 'Honor'. Peony 'Seraphim' is just so lovely and has a multitude of blossoms on tall stems with multiple blooms per stem. The bright white flowers just look so lovely and feminine and the foliage is very sturdy and a nice dark green color. Peony 'Honor' is a plant of much shorter stature, but no less lovely. The dainty pink blossoms are one to a stem, but with a staggered opening, which showcases the beautiful range in color of the petals as they open. The foliage also seems sturdy here, and the green is a bit lighter in color, a nice contrast with the pink blooms.

Peony 'Seraphim'
Southern Peony Best Performer

Peony 'Honor'
Southern Peony Best Performer