Tuesday, June 4, 2019

2019 Pay It Forward, Helping a Peony Exhibition Newbie at the APS Convention

Me, Deb, & Kris

This photo really captures the heart of the convention for me this year. I feel so proud to have spent so much time with the two ladies in this photo, working alongside them, getting to know them better, and teaming up to help Kris enter her first ever peonies into the 2019 American Peony Society Convention Exhibition. Kris has tirelessly served as the APS Treasurer for years, but had yet to enter any of her own peonies into the APS flower show. Since her garden was on tour this year, and she was a convention co-chair (she was just a tad busy), she hadn't thought much about entering any flowers into the show.

Kris Trimming a Peony
Kris in Her Garden

So that's where we came in. With just a little coaxing from Deb and myself, Kris agreed to enter some peonies into the exhibition. As long as we were a team, and she had a bit of guidance from someone who'd entered before (me), she was ready. I couldn't help but think of all the help that Mike & Becky Koster gave me at my first peony show. Without their help, I don't think I would have made it! They were the ones who guided me on how to get those tight peony buds to open - steam baths and field trips outside in the sun, 2015 American Peony Society Exhibition Preparation. I will be forever grateful to them for their help, dedication, and encouragement to me. So in some small way I was able to pay it forward to help Kris enter her first peony show. Somehow the joy you get from helping others succeed can touch you more deeply than your own success.

Kris Taking a Photo of a Peony Before She Cuts It

Kris was a hoot in the garden. At first she didn't want to cut any of the peony flowers. (I think she secretly really liked them better on the bush.) ;-) Eventually we were able to convince her to start cutting some. She did take a photo of each one and apologize to them before she cut them. I think this really illustrates her kind-heartedness. :-) By the time we had finished cutting peonies for the show, she had really gotten the hang of it, and wanted to cut even more. I think we trained her well, and she will be ready for next year's peony exhibitions. We ended up with quite a nice haul, and surely some ribbon-worthy peony blooms.

Kris Checking Out Potential Peonies

Show Flowers for the Peony Exhibition

Monday, June 3, 2019

2019 American Peony Society Convention Greater Des Moines Botanical Garden Tour

It was a rainy day for the public garden tour of the Greater Des Moines Botanical Garden. I guess it was better to have the hot sunny day for the personal garden tours than the rain. Save the rain for the public garden tour since you could in theory always visit it again later. There were a few APS members with umbrellas for the sun the day before, but many more members with umbrellas on this rainy day, plus ponchos and waterproof jackets to keep the rain at bay. The rain was steady, but at least it wasn't a downpour. Luckily, it was more of a light rain.

Greater Des Moines Botanical Garden Entrance

Tree Peony 'Phoenix White' (Paeonia ostii)
Greater Des Moines Botanical Garden

We were able to find a few peonies in bloom at the Greater Des Moines Botanical garden. We found a nice size specimen of Tree Peony 'Phoenix White' (Paeonii ostii). However it was quite drenched, and someone even nicknamed it the "soggy princess". The delicate white petals of this tree peony were definitely soaked and slumped. Since spring was behind there in Iowa, only a few early blooming varieties were open. We did also find a nice little plant of Peony 'Pink Tea Cup' which seemed to be standing up to the rain quite well. The bright pink petals called to you from across the garden even in the rain.

Peony 'Pink Tea Cup'
Greater Des Moines Botanical Garden

Bonsai Garden
Greater Des Moines Botanical Garden

There was also a fancy bonsai garden flanking the entrance to their conservatory. I had a nice time checking out those miniature trees. The oldest specimen in their collection was a Ginkgo biloba tree that was over 150 years old! That is quite an amazing feat. I've always wanted to grow a bonsai tree, but I don't think I have the daily dedication to do it since I've killed a few already. Maybe I just need a Ginkgo biloba! Ha ha! The conservatory of the Greater Des Moines Botanical Garden was a very nice surprise and a welcomed respite from the rain drops outside.

Greater Des Moines Botanical Garden Conservatory

Succulents in the Conservatory
Greater Des Moines Botanical Garden

Inside the conservatory were various colorful succulents, blooming tropicals, and nice size specimens of several varieties of palms. It was fun to explore, with some pop of color or exotic bloom right around the next corner. There was also a 2nd level around the edge of one side of the conservatory, which gave a nice view of the plant menagerie below. This garden also had a lovely gift shop, where I was able to purchase a couple of treasures for my children. There was also a pretty cool living plant wall at the front entrance/exit filled with a variety of tropical houseplants. Sitting next to it just made me feel alive (must have been all that extra oxygen! LOL

Greater Des Moines Botanical Garden Conservatory

APS Members & Living Plant Wall
Greater Des Moines Botanical Garden

Sunday, June 2, 2019

2019 American Peony Society Convention Garden Tours

I couldn't believe the change in temperatures from one day to the next. It was forecasted to be 88 degrees the day of the home garden tours in Iowa, but I'm pretty sure it made it to 90 degrees (or at least felt like it!). However we really need the warm temperatures to get the peonies and other flowers to open. Most of the gardens we toured had lots of "green" since the spring season was about a month behind. There were a few very early herbaceous peonies open and a couple tree peonies open, but most of the peonies in the gardens were in bud.

Cornbred Barbeque Lunch at Prairie Moon Winery

Prairie Moon Winery Lunch

The barbeque lunch we had at the local Prairie Moon Winery was very tasty. It was catered in from a food truck company that was opening their own restaurant there in Iowa called Cornbred Barbeque. There were ribs, pulled pork barbeque, macaroni and cheese, cucumber and tomato salad, jalapeño cornbread, and your choice of beverage from the winery bar. I thought the coolest things were the wooden forks and the plates made from fallen palm leaves! How creative and eco-friendly!

Girton House & Garden

Peony 'Nosegay' and Red Fernleaf Peony in Girton Garden

There were plenty of snacks at every garden. The homemade pies and cakes at the Girton garden were very delicious. I had to try the carrot cake since it didn't have raisins in it (just how I like it), and it was very delish! Everyone was vying for the shady spots since the Girton garden was mostly a full sun garden, and we were all melting. However they did have a nice assortment of teas and lemonades with ice to try to keep us cool! My favorite peony in bloom here was the double lavender P. Rockii, which reminded me of the lavender P. Rockii seedling in my own garden.

Shady Spot in the Girton Garden

Lavender P. Rockii at Girton Garden

The sun continued to be relentless even at the Jurik garden, but thankfully there was much more shade with many mature trees surrounding the house shading an extensive hosta collection. The fruit cups garnished with mint were a hit, as were the assortment of homemade cookies! People were able to find a few early blooming peonies open here too, as well as a few tree peonies. The APS ALM Committee was able to use the Jurik garden as a great training ground for their new judges during the 2019 American Peony Society Convention ALM Judges Training as well! All in all it was a great day! :-)

Tom & Kris Jurik House & Garden

Jurik Garden Extensive Hosta Collection

Saturday, June 1, 2019

2019 American Peony Society Convention in Ames, Iowa

2019 APS Convention Welcome Dinner
Gateway Hotel Waterfall Garden Patio

I couldn't believe how lovely the setting was the for 2019 American Peony Society Convention Welcome Dinner was. We had a beautiful outdoor patio filled with large tables, fine table settings with white and pale pink linens, pink cushioned chairs, and of course peonies on every table. The eating space was embellished with twin waterfalls (which I sat right next to!) surrounded by rock gardens that the children enjoyed playing on. We actually had 2 small ones at our APS Welcome Dinner this year, grandchildren of the APS Convention Co-Chairs.

2019 APS Convention Welcome Dinner
Treasurer & Convention Co-Chair, Kris
and Membership Chair, Linette

2019 APS Convention Welcome Dinner
Tim, Kent, Jody, & Kris

The weather was perfect for the outdoor meal, with nice spring temperatures, and blue skies. There was even a backdrop of pink blooming trees. We dined on deli sandwiches from the outdoor buffet. There was chicken salad, beef, or vegan wraps with chips and brownies for dessert. All of the food was delicious and the setting - gorgeous. All in all it was a great start to the annual APS festivities. I think everyone enjoyed chatting with their fellow APS members, friends old and new, with an air of excitement for the peony convention to come.

2019 APS Convention Welcome Dinner
Outdoor Deli Buffet

2019 APS Convention Welcome Dinner
Gateway Hotel Waterfall Garden Patio

Monday, May 27, 2019

2019 American Peony Society Convention ALM Judges Training

The 2019 American Peony Society Convention included an ALM (Award of Landscape Merit) Judges Training for any and all interested APS Members. An APS ALM judge should be a member that is active in the club, has a large and growing collection of peony cultivars, and has a thirst to help identify the very best peonies for the landscape. The training for APS judges kicked off the 2019 APS Convention on Wednesday afternoon with a 2 hour lecture/informational seminar to help familiarize potential judges with the goals of the American Peony Society Award of Landscape Merit program. We also learned the rating sections and criteria for awarding and deducting points when judging a cultivar.

2019 APS ALM Judges Training

The second half of the ALM Judges Training consisted of a field training in the garden of Kris Jurik. The judging exercise is intended to allow future ALM Judges to get hands on experience and guidance judging a cultivar, with the opportunity to ask questions and discuss potential point scoring. Once the group completes the guided garden judging of a peony plant, they are all asked to silently judge another peony plant in the garden on their own. The expert ALM Judges collect and review the scorecards for judging calibration. It was a hot day in the garden, but the new ALM Judges persisted through an almost 90 degree day to get firsthand experience, gain knowledge, and become proficient in judging peonies for the landscape.